Unknowing Is Half The Battle
When I look at the night sky I can clearly make out Orion, Canis Major, Jupiter, Big dipper, etc etc etc, so the night sky is well to me at least quite predictable sometimes. Unless the occasional shooting star and when I see the beautiful majestic milky way.
But predictability and knowingness has actually made me wonder less, made me settle in more. I hate that. The universe is vast as the mind can reach and when I have settled for pieces and figments I miss the whole point of it all. And though curiosity can be boundless and I can probably still look at the night sky forever without getting bored.
I am sure I cannot see the world with the eyes of someone who knew nothing about it. But by all means, knowledge is important, but it should not make the world a new place of wonder and where you can contribute. If you are bound by knowledge you cant let your curiosity run wild all the time.
For example, when I see Orion I see a butterfly. And to be that is much more beautiful or when I see the big dipper I imagine it as a giant question mark in the sky. It's not like it doesn’t make sense, it's not just because the greeks charted the sky one way you don't have the right to do so.
What I am saying is simple, to free knowledge, we must be imaginative, and forget, we will never really forget and I am not preaching ignorance, just a way to make sure we are inspired and always wondering about the meaning of everything once every so often.