The Impact of Imperialism on Communication: Understanding the Past to Shape a More Equitable Future

Shuvo Shams
3 min readJan 4, 2023

Imperialism is the extension of a nation’s power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means. Throughout history, imperialism has had a significant impact on communication.

One way in which imperialism has affected communication is through the spread of language. When a nation or empire colonizes a region, the colonizers often bring their language with them, which can lead to the suppression of the indigenous languages. For example, the British Empire’s colonization of India led to the spread of the English language in India, but also led to the suppression of many indigenous languages, such as Sanskrit and Hindi. Similarly, the colonization of the Americas by European powers led to the suppression of indigenous languages, such as Quechua and Nahuatl, and the spread of Spanish, Portuguese, and English. This can create linguistic barriers and limit the ability of people in the colonized region to communicate effectively with each other and with the outside world.

Another impact of imperialism on communication is the way it shapes the flow of information. During colonialism, the colonizers often controlled the media and used it to spread their own perspective and ideology, while suppressing the voices and perspectives of the colonized people. For example, during the period of colonialism in Africa, European powers often controlled the media and used it to spread their own ideology and…



Shuvo Shams

Trying really hard to have one epiphany at a time in this dystopia.