Start a Business! And if you fail you’ll get a job experience!
For someone who has worked in high positions in multiple industries now and have created many businesses, profitable ones I want to address the problems that you have when you think of a career.
You see in nice paying jobs you have to write about experience. And truth be told coming to the same experience by chance is kind of unheard of unless its a very general something, shopkeeping.
But if you really want a specialised job, you need specialised skills. Skills that would be hard to get unless you have the job in the first place.
So here is my proposition. Try starting a business of what you want to do. For example for me i always wanted to work with media and I always wanted to work on specialised campaign.
So I started a company where i approached clients. Small clients, big clients all of them, pitched to them, failed and then it worked. I soon got the hang of it.
If you get the hang of it its fine too but if you don’t here is what you can do to turn that uncomfortable situation into a comfortable one.
First of all write what you learned, keep track of the challenges, put it in your CV.
Now when you apply put that in, talk about your start up, talk about the kinds of work you did or specialise in. It shows that you are interested in the post so much so that you started a business in it. I am sure your employer if they have any sense at all will be pleased!