I break down easy

Shuvo Shams
2 min readNov 18, 2023

I break easy mama

I break down

And I ache

And I drown

I break down

In this shit town mama

I bleed brown

I sleep in the cupboards mama

I sleep in the street and tents

In the rain I pay the rents

I break like Jesus breaks his bread

I break down,

My sweet love

My sweet love

Wake up

It’s a dream

Drink this love

Drink it till you’re warm

Drink it till you forget your pain

I know you said your prayer

I know you did your part

I know you lived and loved

I know it was art

But mama I need your body mama

I need your warmth

I cannot take this love mama

It’s too much for me

Too much to drink mama

Too much to see mama

The blood on the streets mama

Am out of breath mama

I am out of love mama

I am bleeding dry

Listen my little duck



Shuvo Shams

Trying really hard to have one epiphany at a time in this dystopia.